Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Real Independence Day Celebration

The day after Independence Day the school and national staff hosted an Independence Day celebration for the local community. A few of the teachers showed up to see the traditional games that take place every year to celebrate Independence Day in Indonesia. They even talked us into participating in a few. :) A picture is worth a thousand words.

The front of the school decorated for Independence Day.

The neighborhood children came out for a day of fun.

Not sure what this game is called but this girl looks pretty good at it.

This game was the craziest one I've ever seen. These boys are trying to get a nail tied to the back of their pants into the bottles on the ground. And yes, we did have a teacher round and all got to try it. It was hard!

The goal: to be the first one done with your krupkuk.

I have to admit it wasn't all that good... like a dry rice cake.

Tug of War: female teachers versus the Ibus (all the female workers at the school). Unfortunately they dominated.

Now this was a sight! The goal was to climb to the top of this greased pole to get the prizes at the top.

They tried all afternoon and were not going to give up until they had dominated.

So close, but yet so far.

The only way they were able to finally get to the top was to degrease the pole. I didn't stick around to see it but I heard they made it to the top.

1 comment:

Erika Marie said...

Emily! Its Erika, Sarahs old roomie. just wanted you to know that im praying for you and sarah gave me your blog location so i can stay enjoying it so much! =) God bless you sister!!