Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First Day

I got through my first day of school. What a long and tiring day it was. I made mistakes, forgot to say things, repeated myself unknowingly, and all sorts of other things. Somehow through it all I started off the new school year on the other side: no longer a student, now the teacher. What an adventure this will bring. I'm still trying to learn names as I have over 75 students. Please pray that I would learn them quickly and be able to connect with them all in meaningful ways. I asked each of my students to fill out an information sheet about themselves on the first day. One question I asked was where they were born. I got quite the myriad of responses: lots of United States, lots of Indonesia, lots of Korea, Canada, Thailand, Chile, Australia, India, Finland, and England.

Here's my classroom the morning of the first day.

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