Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye is difficult to do. It's something, however, I have become accustom to doing teaching at an international school like BAIS. We see new students come and go all the time, and not just at the beginning or end of the year, throughout the year as well. I have said goodbye to many staff members, probably more than a dozen or so in my two years at BAIS. Unfortunately some of those who have left I never really got to say goodbye to, as their departures were sudden and unexpected. At the end of this school year I cried as I said goodbye to students, some who were graduating, others who are heading to the US on furlough, and others who were leaving to attend different schools. I cried as I said goodbye to friends, fellow teachers and roommates. Two of my roommates and best friends in Indonesia left at the end of the year.

In the midst of processing through saying goodbye and the changes that will come next year without these friends, I received an email from someone with this quote: "When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds, and diamonds are made under pressure." - Peter Marshall

The quote was stuck in as one of those automatic signatures that you can insert into your emails. Although the email was about something totally seperate and the sender did not intent for it to be directed to my present circumstances, the quote struck me. The Father reminded me that through hard times we are purified and come out looking more like Him. If that is the case then I say "bring it." Put me to the test, refine me, make me more like You. It's worth it. He's worth it.

Jennie and I take some time out from grading and packing to enjoy some coconut juice at a local warung.

Emma and I at our end of the year Staff Banquet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,
Haven't talked with you in while. Thank you so much for all the post you been making. I really enjoy them, especially this one. It was just what I needed. I think Akemi and I are going to spend a day in Carpinteria next week. We can get caught up then.
Take Care,