Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One of Those Days

Today was one of those days.

Not one of those days.

But one of those days where you are reminded that you are blessed. One of those days you are glad to be able to get up in the morning and are thankful for your health.

Last night as I headed to bed I began to feel really sick. I was convinced I could "think" it away and told myself I would be fine. I was not sick. I went to bed and tried to fall asleep but couldn't. I lay awake for hours with a growing stomach ache and a growing realization that maybe telling myself I was not sick wouldn't make it go away. I lost the battle in the middle of the night as I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I hate throwing up, but oddly enough I did it a lot growing up. Every year it seemed I would end up missing some special class Christmas party or something. I went back to bed thinking that maybe I was alright now. But as I lay there and the pain continued I had a feeling it wasn't over yet. Again I found myself back in the bathroom, my body rejecting everything I had eaten for dinner early that night. Making my way once again to bed I lay there thinking about the lesson plans I would have to write and the phone call I would need to make to the principle in the morning to tell him I was sick. "What time did he say was too early to call?" "What are we supposed to be doing in Statistics class tomorrow?" "How will I leave sub plans for someone to teach the Algebra 2 class I haven't prepped for yet?" I lay there asking myself. I then realized that I needed to drink some liquids to rehydrate myself and so I headed downstairs to find something to drink. Eventually I fell asleep and slept really well until my alarm went off at 5 am.

Surprisingly, I woke up feeling somewhat rested and not at all nauseous. I thought, "I think I might even be able to get up." So that is what I did.

I was so relieved to not have to write sub plans and to be able to go to work and see my students. And it seemed all day I was thankful to be healthy and well- to be able to get out of bed in the morning and do the things I want to do. It was just one of those days.


Mom said...

wow what a miraculous recovery. i'm glad you are feeling better. we love you a lot!! i think you got your sensitive stomach from me!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Emily,
I remember those days; sometimes it's just easier to go to work rather than have to write lesson plans for a sub. Bless your heart.
Take care of yourself.
Aunt Barb