Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Krakatau {updated}

Our most recent trip: Krakatoa- the famous volcano.
The volcano is known for its epic explosion in 1883. The eruption was heard as far away as Australia.
This explosion pretty much destroyed the volcano, but a new island is slowly
growing up in the same location- they estimate it is growing about 5 meters a year.
It's called "Anak Krakatau" or baby Krakatoa. Since 1927 it has continued erupting
and mostly recently had erupted just 10 weeks ago. So it was too hot for us to hike
to the top, but we did get out and hike around a bit.

I haven't had time to put together my own Picasa album of pictures from our trip,
but here's the link to the album Aaron created.
He compiled everyone's pictures into one spot. It pretty much sums up our adventure
(which I have a hard time finding the right words to describe).

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