Saturday, October 31, 2009

On Friday I took the 10th graders on a class trip to the hot springs. I felt like they needed some bonding time as a class so I arranged for us to leave during lunch and miss 7th and 8th period on friday. The drive was an hour and a half up some windy roads (and I felt very sick by the time we got there). We arrived and some of our group went paint balling while others just walked around the large resort area. Then we spent some time in the hot springs. The water was so hot I could barely stay in it for more than a couple of minutes. On the way home we stopped for roasted corn on the side of the road before driving a little further and stopping for dinner. We went to a local favorite and ate chicken and rice. It was very fun to have the whole group of 24 people all around one table. So many fun memories together. I think we might have bonded. Here's a recap!
Bye bye school
Yay! Skipping out on the end of the day... what else would get all twenty 10th grade students there.
Let's go!
Some of our guys (and a couple girls who aren't pictured) went paint balling.
A beautiful sunset
The guys played poker for awhile around the pool...
and bet push ups.
Hanging out in the hot water
Jumping and splashing and having fun
But most importantly, hanging out together.
Time to head out. Here are most of the girls from the class (with one boy who snuck in there).
A quick stop to enjoy some roasted corn
Dinner time! We ordered two different kinds of chicken- ayam bakar and ayam goreng.
And we ordered lots of each! But ate it all- so yummy.
All of us gathered around one table.
And then we walked out of the restaurant and I noticed this hanging up. I just couldn't resist taking a picture with it. Where else would you see something like this hanging outside a restaurant. Only in Indonesia! And where else would you get to hang out with such great students and get to take a class trip like this. Only in Indonesia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow what a great family it is at your school.. not your typical teaching enviornment. You can really enjoy the time with them. Thanks for sharing wiht us.