Monday, October 19, 2009

Class Photos

Each year on picture day the classes get to pick where they want to take their class photo. Classes are getting more and more creative with their class photos. Sometimes elementary classes just do something simple like take it out on the playground or take it in a special place in their classroom.

This year the 8th graders chose to go to the Kindergarten classroom and pretend they were Kindergarteners. The 12th grader took their photo out on top of the large dirt pile where they are building the soccer field. The 9th graders took a couch out to the middle of the road and took theirs there.

This year I am 10th grades class sponsor. My class decided they wanted to re-enact the earthquake that we had earlier in the year for their class photo.

When the earthquake happened they were in English class with Mr. Schaffer. Apparently all sorts of funny things were said and they had a bunch of inside jokes from this bonding event as a class. As they felt the earthquake start the students climbed under the desks but then a student jumped out and started yelling, "Guys it's just a simulation." Another student right away called his mom and told her to send the car and driver. Apparently Mr. Schaffer, still new to our school and to earthquakes, climbed under his desk with the evacuation/emergency flip chart and was frantically flipping through trying to read what the proper procedure was for responding during an earthquake.

So for the photo they made funny signs of all these things and posed for the camera. They are so fun. I really enjoy them and look forward to working with them this year.

Now just a silly one.

And of course a serious one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Em,
I can relate to the flip know when you hope your students aren't seeing you flip wildly through feigning complete control and confidence...been there. These kids are so funny.
Love you,
Aunt Barb