Saturday, August 16, 2008

Photo Tour of our New House

So as I've mentioned before we've moved into a new house. I'm living with three other girls- Emma, Molly, and Jennie. Emma was my roommate last year and Molly and Jennie were both here last year as well. Emma is teaching 2nd grade this year. Molly is teaching 4th grade. And Jennie is one of our high school science teachers.

We've been enjoying settling in and fixing up our house. We've had someone help us paint (the whole inside needed a fresh coat of paint) and do some other odd jobs. Also we've been able to keep our same pembantu (house helper) from last year who has been making the commute to help us with cleaning, laundry, and cooking. It's a blessing to have someone working for us who we already know and feel comfortable with. She's been doing a great job even though we are living in a much bigger place than last year.

I thought I'd share a few pictures so you could see what our house looks like:

This is the front of the house. Our grass died while we were gone over the summer so we've hired a gardener to come on Saturdays. Hopefully soon it will be green and nice again. It's really our only yard because we don't have anything in the back but a cement slab.

This is our living room. The house came with all this furniture including the piano. I don't play but my roommate Jennie is excited about using it this year.

Attached to our living room is a dining area that leads to the kitchen. Our fridges (we have two!) don't fit in the kitchen so we keep them out here.

This is our tiny little kitchen! When we first saw the house there was nothing but a counter in here. Before we moved in our landlord agreed to redo the kitchen by putting in cabinets and buying an oven.

This is our upstairs living area where we often watch movies and hang out. It's nice to have space to spread out in our house, especially because there are four of us.

This is my bedroom. It's smaller than last year, but I really like it.

Another view of my bedroom from the inside.

This is the street right outside our housing complex. The road is well paved, wide, and free from traffic... very different than a typical Indonesian street. It's such a different place but we are learning to enjoy the clean, fresh air with no pollution. :)

Thanks for reading and keeping up with my life here in Indonesia!


Anonymous said...

Hey Emily. Your new house and your new school look really nice. I can tell that you have everything very neat and orderly the way you like it.How are you? Are you glad to be back in indo? My friend ryan has been telling me his indonesia stories. He enjoyed it a lot.

Anonymous said...

Hello! My wife and I are interested in teaching in Indonesia. Do you have an email that you check so that we could contact you and some of the other teachers at BAIS? Our email is We are both public school educators (high schoo English and Elementary Ed. and special ed.) in Oregon and are looking to come your direction within the next year or two. We are just looking for even more connections. Could you contact us if you have a minute or two?

In christ

Josh & Jaclyn Smalley