Thursday, July 12, 2007

Count Down

Official coutdown til the big move: 20 days
(That's less than 3 weeks! I'm so excited but have a ton to do before then to get ready...)

I thought I'd share a few pictures from the graduation party I shared with my lovely sister Anna. She is currently in Cambodia and I'm missing her lots. She comes back in 5 more days... what am I going to do until then? It's been a few weeks now since the party, but here are some pics anyway:


Arijaan Bulk said...

ah - the boys are getting to big!! I'll call you soon. . .can't wait to see you!

Unknown said...

Oh Emily! Thanks for posting the pics! So fun to be able to see a bit into your world... I'm so excited for this new chapter of your life! Woo Hoo! -E