Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Around the classroom

Lots of learning taking place around here. I can't believe we are almost done with 3rd quarter! Today and tomorrow is parent teacher conferences. Spring break is right around the corner. Hurray!

In Geometry we are integrating math and art. It's one of my favorite chapters to do with the kids. And it makes my classroom much more colorful as well.

Kites- to show the properties of this special type of quadrilateral

Snowflakes- to practice creating lines of symmetry

Tessellations- to look at tilings in the plane and various symmetries

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning Em,
Thanks so much for the pics. What an amazing school you teach at! Again I love, love, your ideas. I can see why this experience has captured your heart.
Much love,
Aunt Barb