Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dear Grandpa

Dear Grandpa,

We all have many memories of growing up in the Clauson family. Sharing the kids table
at Birthday dinners, opening presents on Christmas Eve, camping in Carpentaria, and
sitting on the scaffold to watch the Rose Parade... to name a few. Spending time together
was always an important family tradition.

You were not a just a distance grandfather who would send the occasional card in the
mail. You were actively involved in all of our lives. From graduations and baseball
games, play performances and swim meets, you and grandma were always there, supporting
us and showing your strong sense of pride in the accomplishments of your grandchildren.

Your presence in our lives can also be seen through the many construction projects you
helped to build. All of our childhood homes carry a mark of your hand. You had an
amazing talent for your trade and were always dedicated to using your skills to help

As the head of the Clauson family, you not only made us laugh with your jokes,
entertained us with your stories, and impressed us with your sense of style and rhythm,
you also set an example for all of us. You and grandma have instilled in us a strong
sense of family, hard work, and compassion for others. Thank you for showing us how much
you cared and loved us throughout our lives. Thank you for welcoming Eddie and Esther
into our family. Thank you for being determined to change where you came from and build a
better life for your children and grandchildren.

We all cherish the memory of the times we spent with you and the Clauson family
traditions we shared. We hope to continue to make you proud as we start our own families
and carry on your legacy.

We love you Grandpa,
Heather, Eddie, Scott, Esther, Sarah, Emily, and Anna

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