Wednesday, February 17, 2010

BAIS 2010

Each year our administrators from the school go back to the States for an administrators conference with NICS and recruiting new staff for next year. When the are there they show a video to update the rest of the group on our school. It's also used in recruiting, to show people a little bit of the school. The video for 2010 is kind of artsy. It was made with our theme for this year in mind- with a focus on the arts and specials areas. I thought I would try to post the video here. I've never done this before so I don't know if it will work. My internet is slow here so I am hoping it will work much better wherever you are... assuming you have faster internet than me :)

1 comment:

Arijaan said...

aw, what a special treat Em - thanks for this little glimpse into your world!