Monday, April 14, 2008

Mandi Sumur

Here are some pictures of our experience public bathing and doing laundry at the well.

Some of the kids being silly. They thought it was so fun that we would go bath at the well.

Cassie with her little boy. He was attached to her and she was attached to him.

Here we are learning the art of washing clothes by hand. The first task is to scrub them to get out all the stains.

Joy is finding that it is tough work.

Did I get out all the dirt and stains? I'm not sure what to do now?

Next step is rinsing. After rinsing several times we then rung out the clothes and took them back home to be hung up and dried.

Some of the other girls on our team bathing at a different well. Looks like they are having quite a party with the locals!

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